Friday, June 28, 2013

The "Spanking" Culture Pt. 2

Into The Breach

The "rubber to the road" aspect of the "Spanko" culture is that it is not restricted to the world of porn. There are also sites dedicated to people who want to seek those who are like minded. If you want to be part of a virtual and actual community of other spankos, they are out there. 

If you're shy or rather not deal with large crowds, there are other venues to follow. For that more personal, one on one sort of connecting, Personal Ad websites exist for your choosing. You could, very possibly, link up with others you might find attractive.

The Undeniable Truth

As I continue to write this I can't help but know that I have to come clean about things; to be completely honest. With most sexual aspects of this world, it is very easy to be tempted into this "Spanko" Culture.

While I have never indulged in finding a "spanking partner", I have spent a lot of time reading various women's "ads". Many of them (ages varying from 18 to 60) are looking for a man to discipline them. They feel that they are "bad" and need to be "kept in line." To me this horribly wrong and deeply saddening. No woman was created to feel that she has to be subjugated. This is especially true even if they feel justified in feeling this way.

Worthy Creations

Eve may have been created "last" but she was not an after thought nor was she any kind of second class citizen or being. Women who feel they need to be spanked into submission are living with a very poor sense of self. This lack of self image can be a burden that can weigh their lives down. We would all like to think that we know what's best for us but we really don't have God's loving perspective.

The majority of human beings don't know that God wants to make them all they can be. He is our only source of who we are and what we can become. As Keith Green once put it, "He is de-vine and we are de branch." Any branch connected to His vine will gain the nourishment to grow into who we should be.

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