Friday, June 28, 2013

The "Spanking" Culture Pt. 1

Brand Spanking New

That saying has always been a source of curiosity for me. It just seems so odd. How it came about, I haven't slightest idea but it's a bit of a source of titillation for me.

In any case, whether you know it or not, there is a thriving, ever growing Spanking Culture. No doubt the subject has been a source of fascination for centuries. And yet, it's only been within the last 10 to 20 years that it's really come out of the closet.  Once it was considered "kinky". In it's very extreme, it was thought of sadistic due to it's association with the activities of the followers of the Marquis De Sade. Somewhere down the line it all became acceptable.

Warm Wishes

And why not? SPANKING FEELS GOOD! The human gluteus maximus is covered with sensory nerves that tingle with a gratifying warmth when struck. Of course, it is not a favored activity by errant children because it's always linked with punishment. But those "adult" kids learn to make that happy distinction between angry discipline and pleasure. 

  Now, in the emerging "Spanko" culture, hundreds upon hundreds of sites have popped up all over the internet. And on those hundreds of websites any body can view thousands upon thousands of spanking videos. The majority of these films can be considered "soft" porn because there are no overt sexual acts. At least, this is true of some of them. If you really want to find the more graphic kinds, where anything goes, you can find those too.

 What it is

Most of the plots of the videos are about some "bad" girl who gets her just deserts. Their offenses maybe ever so slight but they always end up with their butts bared and reddened. Then again, there are those that go to the extreme. Some sites offer butts  covered with bloody welts. Apparently, there is some call for such cruel fare.

In a loving relationship spanking can be a sensual aspect of love making; a part of partner play. Problem is, porn is never about love. The women in these movies are used. Another troubling aspect is these women don't seem to care. It's plain to see that they don't see themselves as valuable creations of the most high God.

The "Spanking" Culture Pt. 2

Into The Breach

The "rubber to the road" aspect of the "Spanko" culture is that it is not restricted to the world of porn. There are also sites dedicated to people who want to seek those who are like minded. If you want to be part of a virtual and actual community of other spankos, they are out there. 

If you're shy or rather not deal with large crowds, there are other venues to follow. For that more personal, one on one sort of connecting, Personal Ad websites exist for your choosing. You could, very possibly, link up with others you might find attractive.

The Undeniable Truth

As I continue to write this I can't help but know that I have to come clean about things; to be completely honest. With most sexual aspects of this world, it is very easy to be tempted into this "Spanko" Culture.

While I have never indulged in finding a "spanking partner", I have spent a lot of time reading various women's "ads". Many of them (ages varying from 18 to 60) are looking for a man to discipline them. They feel that they are "bad" and need to be "kept in line." To me this horribly wrong and deeply saddening. No woman was created to feel that she has to be subjugated. This is especially true even if they feel justified in feeling this way.

Worthy Creations

Eve may have been created "last" but she was not an after thought nor was she any kind of second class citizen or being. Women who feel they need to be spanked into submission are living with a very poor sense of self. This lack of self image can be a burden that can weigh their lives down. We would all like to think that we know what's best for us but we really don't have God's loving perspective.

The majority of human beings don't know that God wants to make them all they can be. He is our only source of who we are and what we can become. As Keith Green once put it, "He is de-vine and we are de branch." Any branch connected to His vine will gain the nourishment to grow into who we should be.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

(For all of you non Broadway musical types the above is a reference to a song from the show Mame.)

Do we really need all of this?

I don't how many of you saw the Tony awards back in early June but one event struck me as particularly hilarious. Neil Patrick Harris (the host) was up on stage texting away furiously. There he was, just like so many other people I've seen on the street, subway cars, in elevators (etc., etc., and etc.) tip tapping away as if he was the only one in the room. Then, out of stage right comes David Hyde Pierce (another three name actor) who yanks the phone out of Neil's hands. He throws it on the floor and steps on it. To me this was quite the "statement" for all of us who find this sort of rude behavior .

There have been too many situations such as rehearsals, classrooms, and court rooms where people would be texting away. It's even more disturbing when these folks feel the need to "chat" away, chuckling as they do it. I mean, I'm not going to say that I'm not guilty of the same thing but there are some people who raised the whole business to an art.

Then there's this whole business of being able to watch television on your phones. To me this is totally unnecessary. We're in danger of being entertained to death. Einstein once said that when a country is totally overtaken by it's technology we're in danger of becoming a nation of idiots. I didn't know prophecy was one of his gifts.

May we never be found guilty of this...

One of my former office managers sent this to me and I really like it.

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible as we do our cell phones?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

Great buncha questons!!!!!


Friday, June 14, 2013

That Many Splendored Thing

Is Romance Dead?

A few months ago I watched that moldy oldie Daddy Long Legs. Fortyish, eccentric millionaire meets 18 year old Leslie Caron in a French orphanage. Right away you can see how smitten he is with this most formidable, young lady who demonstrates a great deal of warmth, joy and level headedness.

Being the bold, philanthropist he is, Fred decides to send this girl to an American college--all expenses paid of course. His advisors, contemporaries warn him of the possible appearance of impropriety. So he swears that his support, the relationship will be conducted at a safe distance...anonymously. The essential, proposed plot is that these two people will fall in love with each other and they do.

Personally, in the reality of it all, I would find it very hard to start a relationship with someone so far away in years. Most of the 20 year olds I meet I find to be horribly distracting. They lack a certain maturity in life experiences. Of course, in the world's eyes, (popular opinion and popular media) it may not be a very objectionable sort of thing. "The heart wants what the heart wants." is the celebrated (half baked) justification but in the light of cold hard facts really doesn't stand up.

Fore Armed Is Fore Warned

There have been way too many times when I've found myself "having feelings" for someone. And yet, after many a tear filled night, I've found such relationships don't last and neither are they very satisfying in the long run. And, as for the ones that have worked, I have found it's all because of a lot more than feelings.

A Romantic From Way Back

On the other hand, I do believe that some May-December (even if he is the May and she the December) relationships can work. In relation to Daddy Long Legs, it was more than obvious that these two people enjoyed being with each other. Enjoying somebody's company can be the cornerstone of any association. Love has to be based on a mutual respect as well as a genuine fondness.

Love Will Keep Us Together

In this age of "Computer Dating", I have seen too many women's profiles where they've got they're partners described down to a "T". They may four feet eleven but their spouses should be at least 6 feet tall. If the ladies are 47 they want men who are ten years younger or their own age. To me, this is not love. There's nothing wrong with seeking a certain number of criteria in a mate. And yet, of course, we may find someone who meets all of our standards but that doesn't mean the marriage is going to work.

When it comes to choosing a marriage partner it is more important that we truly love who we are. We have to know what gives us joy. If you are someone who enjoys good, stimulating conversation, this is a part of you. If this five-foot two, eyes of blue, significant other's statements are, generally, monosyllabic you'll find yourself bored to tears. 


A Lesson In Biology?

Something To Consider

No doubt you know that all human beings have a "palate" in their mouths. One thing that you may not know is the palate consists of two parts; the anterior (front) and the posterior (back). Another, lesser known fact is the front part is hard and rough while the other is smooth and soft. Such an amazing contrast in such a small area of our anatomy.

Within the same orifice (the mouth), we have three (Yes three!) different salivary glands that aid in the breaking down of our bolus (food). They are the parotid, located in the upper part. Then there are the submandibular and the sublingual glands. These are both situated (if you haven't guessed) in the lower portion of the oral cavity. What we've eaten is then forced down by the contracting, relaxing action of the esophagus into the stomach.

If you're wondering, yes I have taken a short course in biology. Not that I really needed the refresher in physiology but it was an absolutely, splendid reminder that we are all, as the good book says, "fearfully and wonderfully made". The human body is a magnificent piece of engineering with all of the various and many functions. Every part of us works together in such harmony, and it boggles the mind when people say God doesn't exist.

God is Dead?

There's that old chestnut of an argument, "If God is a loving god why is there so much suffering in the world?" This particular page is not exactly the forum to address this query, but I will venture this idea. Those who feel that God (if He is the Almighty) should do away with all the adversity and strife of the world so we will be at peace then He should are wrong. To me, such thinking is rather nervy. We, us, the creation are telling the Creator what He should do.

It's bad enough, when we enter into sin (whether it be a sexual, or a moral sin) that we echo Eve's intent. She might as well have said, "Yeah, Lord I really love what you've done with this garden. Everything is so nice and green. The flowers are beautiful with all of their colors. And the those mangos! You've really done a magnificent job but, sorry to say this but, I know better than you." Can any of us be more out of line?

The Alpha and Omega

If you ask me atheists, agnostics or what have you, don't have a leg to stand on. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Words that Maim

Weapons of the tongue


Of course, I could be horribly wrong, but it seems that within the last 30 years or so, it seems that the use of four letter words has increased; has become more "acceptable". No doubt, there will be an army of those who will chide me saying that it's not any better or worse than it's always been. And yet, it just seems like since the advent of Rap music, there's been a loosening of our basic common vernacular. In no way am I saying that the blame on the progenitors of this "music" are totally to blame. And yet, it just seems like since we've allowed these "artists" calling people "Niggahs" and "Hos" to fill our air waves. If this strictly on the television or radio I could just turn it off but, unfortunately, I have to be subjected to it all in a classroom situation.

There's a certain group of young ladies there who feel it necessary to loudly proclaim their discontent on every subject they know, punctuating it all with four letter words. You'd think I'd be used to it because this is all nothing new to me. And yet, it's the frequency of the words. It's almost as if they don't know there are other adjectives, nouns and modifiers in the English language. Sadly, they are not aware of the fact that it is all the language of hate. This country has become polarized over "hate speech". To me these words are all another form of hate speech. The bad thing about the situation is that a majority of people don't recognize that you can tear others down in so many different ways.

Name Calling

As I mentioned earlier, all of this is nothing new to me. When I was in Navy boot camp I heard all of these words used with the same kind of frequency. And yet, what God has convinced me of is that every time we call anybody a name (doesn't matter what name that isn't their given appellation) we are reducing that person or group of people to almost nothing. In essence, we are saying that these people aren't worth anything; they don't deserve to live. Unfortunately, when we do that we not only devalue them we also devalue ourselves.

What lies within

All of this cursing and name calling comes out of anger. Most people hold within them an anger that is deep seated. The whole essence of sin is that we want to have control. Eve decided to eat the fruit because she didn't want to be left out...didn't want somebody telling her what she could and could not do. So she took control. Problem is that this sense of control is a myth. Nobody has complete control over anything but that doesn't stop us from being continually frustrated in our pursuit.

Can that inner beast be tamed?

One of the biggest ironies about cursing is that nobody likes it when it's used against them. In spite of how tough, "thick skinned" we think we are, the common "cuss" words are going to raise the tiny hairs on the back of our neck. The eyebrows may arch, our the eyes will squint a bit and we'll be more than ready to let go with a barrage of epithets that will surely turn the air all shades of blue.

The only way to tame that "little member" (James 3:5) is to submit yourself to God. Through the work of His Holy Spirit He will change our heart. He will also open our eyes to see how we need to love ourselves and those around us.