Something To Consider
No doubt you know that all human beings have a "palate" in their mouths. One thing that you may not know is the palate consists of two parts; the anterior (front) and the posterior (back). Another, lesser known fact is the front part is hard and rough while the other is smooth and soft. Such an amazing contrast in such a small area of our anatomy.Within the same orifice (the mouth), we have three (Yes three!) different salivary glands that aid in the breaking down of our bolus (food). They are the parotid, located in the upper part. Then there are the submandibular and the sublingual glands. These are both situated (if you haven't guessed) in the lower portion of the oral cavity. What we've eaten is then forced down by the contracting, relaxing action of the esophagus into the stomach.
If you're wondering, yes I have taken a short course in biology. Not that I really needed the refresher in physiology but it was an absolutely, splendid reminder that we are all, as the good book says, "fearfully and wonderfully made". The human body is a magnificent piece of engineering with all of the various and many functions. Every part of us works together in such harmony, and it boggles the mind when people say God doesn't exist.
God is Dead?
There's that old chestnut of an argument, "If God is a loving god why is there so much suffering in the world?" This particular page is not exactly the forum to address this query, but I will venture this idea. Those who feel that God (if He is the Almighty) should do away with all the adversity and strife of the world so we will be at peace then He should are wrong. To me, such thinking is rather nervy. We, us, the creation are telling the Creator what He should do.It's bad enough, when we enter into sin (whether it be a sexual, or a moral sin) that we echo Eve's intent. She might as well have said, "Yeah, Lord I really love what you've done with this garden. Everything is so nice and green. The flowers are beautiful with all of their colors. And the those mangos! You've really done a magnificent job but, sorry to say this but, I know better than you." Can any of us be more out of line?
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